386 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
ONVS Specifies a particular volume set on which the group is to be built. The
volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. The
NEWGROUP command must be specified twice before files can be created in
this group on a mountable volume set. The first NEWGROUP builds the
group on the system volume set (from which the account is accessed). The
second NEWGROUP then builds the account on the mountable volume set.
Create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this parameter.
HOMEVS Sets the home volume set to the set specified by volumesetname. Create
volumes (CV) capability is required to use this parameter.
volume- setname Volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic,
numeric, the underscore, and periods.
If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume
Refer to the VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter.
Operation Notes
Account managers use the NEWGROUP command to create groups within their accounts and
assign attributes to each. The attributes assigned to the group may not exceed those
permitted the accounts themselves (defined when the system manager created the
accounts). However, within account limits, the account manager may redefine the group
and user attributes and capabilities, as well as those of the PUB group.
The PUB group is initially assigned and the same capability class attributes, permanent
file space limit, and CPU-time limit as the account but no password. Its initial security
grants READ (R) and EXECUTE (X) access to all users (ANY) who successfully log on to
the account. APPEND (A), WRITE (W), LOCK (L), and SAVE (S) access is assigned to the
account librarian (AL) and group users (GU) only.
When a keyword parameter (such as PASS=) or keyword parameter group (such as
PASS=password) is omitted from the NEWGROUP command, the default value corresponding
to that parameter is assigned.
NOTE If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that
is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX
returns an error message.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) capability is required to use this
To create a new group named GROUP1 (on the system volume set), which will be assigned
all default capabilities, enter: