
596 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
ANYUSER This option defeats the filtering of the wildcarded jobspec and displays all
matching processes. SM or OP capability is necessary to specify ANYUSER,
and users with these capabilities get ANYUSER by default. OP or SM users
may reduce the SHOWPROC output to just their own processes by using the
USER option.
TRUNC The TRUNC option truncates output records that would exceed the record
width of $STDLIST for the user. A $ replaces the last character of the line
to signify truncation. TRUNC is the default option.
NOTRUNC This option displays output records in their full form. As a result, output
from the command may wrap around the display.
Operation Notes
The SHOWPROC command displays information about processes except lockwords, which
are never displayed. By default, the processes shown are the root CI and its descendents
(TREE option). Any user may issue this command. Users with OP or SM capability may see
information for processes belonging to other users. SM users may also see system
processes via the SYSTEM option.
Any user may issue the SHOWPROC command and see information about all processes that
belong to them. A process "belongs" to a user if one or more of the following conditions
1. the process is within the user's logon job/session
2. the process' user and account names match the user's user and account names and the
system's JOBSECURITY is set to LOW
3. the user has OP or SM capability.
If rule 1 or 2 applies or the user has SM capability then all information (except lockwords)
is visible. Otherwise, only the Command Interperter (CI) command and/or program names
are shown. That is, the parameters of a CI command and the INFO= string passed to a
program are not visible.
When SHOWPROC is executed in a job, regardless of capabilities and process ownership,
only the CI command name and program are displayed.
If you specify both the ;PIN= and ;JOB= parameters, information for the list of pins will
precede the information for the list of jobs. Duplicate specifications are not detected.
SHOWPROC may be issued from a Session, Job, Program, or in BREAK. Pressing
aborts the execution of this command.
The fields displayed are described below. The field's width, in characters, is shown within
parentheses. A "v" indicates that the field has a variable size width.
CPUTIME (8): CPUTIME is consumed in hh:mm:ss or m:ss.mls. A pair of asterisks (**)
appears in the hours field when hours overflows. The three-character "mls"
sub-field holds milliseconds.
JOBNUM (6): The job or session number for the process.