
242 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
keysize Length of the KSAM key, in bytes. This parameter is required for all key
types. Different keytypes have different lengths, as described below:
DUP or RDUP These two options apply only to KSAM files. Specify the DUP option if you
want duplicate key values to be permitted. If you don't specify DUP, records
with duplicate key values are rejected and an error message issued when
such records are written to the file. When the DUP option is used, each new
duplicate key is inserted at the end of the duplicate key chain. This
maintains the chronological order of duplicate.
If you specify RDUP, duplicate keys are allowed; they are inserted
randomly in the duplicate key chain. This method makes insertion of such
keys faster, but does not maintain the chronological order of the duplicate
key chain.
The default is that duplicate keys are not allowed.
recnum If you specify 1, record numbers in the new KSAM data file are numbered
starting with 1. Otherwise, by default, record numbers start with 0. (Only
1 and 0 are acceptable.)
REUSE or NOREUSE This option is used only for new KSAM files.
If you specify the REUSE option, KSAM files are compacted by reusing
deleted record space. If you also specify the DUP option for a key, duplicate
records are placed chronologically at the tail of the file, and all
nonduplicate records are assigned to the first available space.
Deleted record space will not be reused with the NOREUSE option, which is
the default.
Syntax for Access
NOBUF ] [ ;LOCK ;NOLOCK ] [ ;COPY ;NOCOPY ] [ ;FORMS=formsmsg] [ ;EX
C ;SHR ;EAR ;SEMI ] [ ;NOLABEL ;LABEL= [ [ volid] [ ,[ IBM ANS ] [ ,[ e
xpdate][,seq]]]]][;FORMID=formid] [ ;PRIVATE]
BYTE 1 to 255 bytes
INTEGER 1 to 255 bytes
REAL 1 to 255 bytes
IEEEREAL 4, 8, or 16 bytes
NUMERIC 1 to 28 bytes
PACKED 1 to 14 bytes (odd number of digits)
*PACKED 2 to 14 bytes (even number of digits)