Appendix A 721
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX
HPINTERACTIVE R B PL interactive (TRUE); noninteractive
as appropriate
HPINTRODATE R S formatted job/session logon date date of logon
HPINTROTIME R S formatted job/session logon time time of logon
HPJOBCOUNT R I number of jobs executing logon number of
executing jobs
HPJOBFENCE R I fence value for waiting jobs logon jobfence
HPJOBLIMIT R I current job limit job limit at logon
HPJOBNAME R S name of current job/session logon job name
HPJOBNUM R I job/session number, for example, 12 your job/session
HPJOBTYPE R S "S"=session, "J"=job your job type
HPLASTJOB W S job ID of the job you most recently
streamed in the form #Jnnnn
null string
HPLASTSPID R S spoolfile ID for the job identified in the
HPLASTJOB variable
spoolfile ID of last
HPLDEVIN R I LDEV number for $STDIN logon input LDEV
HPLDEVLIST R I LDEV number for $STDLIST logon output LDEV
HPLOCIPADDR R S IP address of a remote client null string
HPLOCPORT R I TCP port number for network service
provided to the client
0 if local client;
otherwise standard
port used by service
HPMINUTE R I current minute number logon minute
HPMONTH R I current month number logon month
HPMSGFENCE W I PL fence for the level of error messages printed
by the CI: See HELP HPMSGFENCE for
values and expression evaluation
HPNCOPIES R I number of $STDLIST copies for jobs copies subparm
of the outclass=
parm of the JOB
HPOSVERSION R S operating system version ID (identical to
the middle version string in the SHOWME
current full version
ID of the operating
HPOUTCLASS R S output device class logon output device
Variable Type
Definition Initial Value