
Chapter 5 333
Command Definitions L-O
For example, "[a-c]" means one of ‘a', ‘b', or ‘c', whereas "[-a-c]" or "[a-c-]"
means one of ‘a', ‘b', ‘c', or ‘-'.
It is illegal to specify [c-a], or [a-A] because ‘c' does not alphabetically
precede ‘a' and uppercase ‘A' comes before lowercase ‘a' (in ASCII character
evaluation). Also note that it is legal to specify [A-z] and any legal special
MPE Syntax
If fileset does not begin with the dot or slash (indicating HFS syntax), it is
parsed according to MPE syntax and has the following form:
filename[.groupname[.accountname] ]
A LISTFILE command using MPE syntax does not display files that do not
follow the traditional MPE naming conventions of up to eight character
names for files, groups and accounts.
If the fileset parameter does not specify groupname, all the files (with
uppercase names that have up to 8 alphanumeric characters) in the
current working directory (CWD) are listed irrespective of whether CWD
is an MPE group or not. For example, the following command lists the files
in all of the groups of the logon account:
In contrast, the next command lists all the files in the CWD (which may be
different from the logon group). However, only those files whose names are
valid MPE names are displayed.
If the CWD is not an MPE group, the information about the file is
displayed in an HFS format discussed below.
You may have an MPE group that also contains files with HFS syntax, for
example, they are lowercase, have long names, or contain special
characters. To see both MPE and HFS files in a group, type,
HFS Syntax
If the fileset begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), it is assumed to be in HFS
syntax. The characters composing the name may be selected from the
following set:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - _ . ‘ ~ $ % ^ * + \ { } :
If the fileset parameter begins with a slash (/), the pathname is assumed to
be an absolute pathname; otherwise, it is considered to be CWD relative.