338 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
the files at the specified level are displayed. For example, /@/@/@
indicates that all objects at the third level are to be displayed. USENAME is
the default.
TREE If the TREE option is specified, objects at all lower directory levels are
NOTREE Indicates that only objects at the specified level are to be displayed. The
NOTREE option overrides an HFS fileset that ends in a slash.
Operation Notes
You can use LISTFILE to list descriptions of one or more disk files at the level of detail you
select. You must have traverse directory entries (TD) and/or read directory entries (RD)
access for the directories in the pathname of the files that will be displayed by LISTFILE.
(Refer to the ALTSEC command for further information on directory permissions.)
For example, if the fileset is /dir1/dir@/@, you must have TD access for the root directory
(/) and dir1. Also, you must have RD access for dir1 since the next name is wildcarded
(dir@) and have RD access to each directory within the path specified by /dir1/dir@
since the next (and final) name is a wildcard (@).
You may list any file, but there are restrictions on the kinds of information available to
various users. A standard user may specify a listlevel of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. If you have
account manager capability (AM), you may request listlevel -1, -3 or -5, 8, 9 information
about files in your own account. If you have System Manager capability (SM), you can
specify any listlevel to view all information for all files on the system. List levels 8 and 9 are
also available if you are the owner of the files. A file description is not listed unless the
file's home volume set (PV) is mounted.
This command may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
aborts execution.
If the fileset is in MPE syntax, LISTFILE only displays file names that follow MPE naming
syntax. For example, LISTFILE @,2 will not display the file am_pm, whereas LISTFILE
./@,2 will display the file.
If fileset ends in a slash (/) or the ;TREE option, then the contents of every matching
directory will be displayed recursively. To see just a directory name, but not all the files
under it, use the ;NOTREE option or omit the trailing slash.
MPE Examples