
Chapter 5 379
Command Definitions L-O
The default is no security restrictions at the account level. Two or more
user types may be specified if they are separated by commas.
subqueuename The name of the subqueue of highest priority that can be requested by any
process of any job/session in the account. This parameter is specified as
AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES.
CAUTION Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the
system. Assigning nonpriority system and user processes to these subqueues
can prevent critical processes from executing. Exercise extreme caution when
assigning processes to these subqueues.
localattribute The local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This
is a double word bit map used to further classify accounts. While it is not
part of standard MPE/iX security provisions, programmers may define
local attributes (which are checked by the WHO intrinsic) to enhance the
security of their software. Default is double word 0.
ONVS Specifies a particular volume set on which the account is to be built. It
must be a volume set already defined and recognized by the system. A
NEWACCT must be specified twice, once without the ONVS parameter, and
once with it. The first NEWACCT builds the account on the system volume
set (from which the account is accessed). The second NEWACCT builds the
account on the volume set where files in this account will exist.
The only other parameter that works with ONVS is the FILES parameter.
volume- setname Volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic,
numeric, the underscore, and periods.
If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume
set. When ONVS=volumesetname is specified, the volume set directory is
assumed. When ONVS= is specified without volumesetname, the system
directory is assumed.
gid Group ID to be added to the group database. The gid must be an unique
positive (non-zero) 32-bit integer. Default is for MPE to create a value.
Duplicate id numbers are not allowed.
uid User ID to be created for the account manager in the user database. The
uid must be an unique positive (non zero) 32-bit integer. Default is for MPE
to create a value. Duplicate id numbers are not allowed. The uid is
associated to the manager of the account.
REQ Specifies that all users in the account are to have non-blank passwords. If
you require user passwords, MPE/iX assigns the account manager a blank,
expired password. The account manager must select a new password the
first time the Manager logs on. It is available only if the HP Security
Monitor has been installed.