
590 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
Displays the status of output device files.
SHOWOUT[{ #Onnn STATUS SP item[;item[ ;...] ] } ]
#Onnn Identifies a particular output device file for which you want information.
The information is displayed in Type I format, which is described in the
"Operation Notes" section of this command. The default is to display status
information for all output device files used by the logon job or session.
The number of the device file identifier is identical to the LDEV number of
the device. For example, if the LDEV number is 20, the device file
identifier appears in the DFID column as #20.
STATUS Summarizes the status information for all current output device files. The
information is displayed in Type II format, described in the "Operation
Notes" section. The default is to display status information for all output
device files used by the logon job or session.
SP Displays the status information for currently spooled output device files
associated with the logon job or session. The information is displayed in a
combination of two formats, Type I format followed by Type II format,
which is described in the "Operation Notes" section. The default is to
display status information for all output device files used by the logon job
or session.
item Displays the status of all current output device files as identified. If
information for only one device file is displayed, the output appears in
Type I format. If information for more than one device file is displayed, the
output appears in Type I format followed by Type II format. The syntax for
item follows:
Syntax for Item
[DEV={ ldev classname }]
[JOB={ @J | @S | @ | [@,]username.acctname |[jsname,] username.acctname}
[;[INTRO | EXEC | SUSP | WAIT [ ,N | ,D]}]
Parameters for Item
ldev or classname Displays the status of output device files. The ldev parameter displays the
files residing on the device identified by the logical device number. The
classname parameter displays the status of the output device files residing
on all devices in a class name.