Chapter 2 71
Command Definitions A-B
MPE Syntax
You can include MPE file name Syntax but not RFA information. If the
object is an MPE Syntax file, its format is:
You may specify file lockwords for files protected by active lockwords
unless the objects are also protected by a current ACD. In a batch job, if a
lockword exists on a file, you must specify it. In a session, if a lockword
exists and is omitted, MPE/iX will prompt you for it.
HFS Syntax
You must begin file designators using HFS file name Syntax with either a
dot (.) or a slash (/). The maximum length is 255 characters (including the
"./" or "/").
The objectname parameter is followed by one of the three type
identifiers listed below.
FILENAME Indicates that objectname refers to either a file or directory.
This is the default if a type identifier is not specified.
LDEV Indicates that objectname refers to a logical device number.
DEVCLASS Indicates that objectname refers to a device class.
ACCESS Optional keyword that indicates a fileaccess specification follows. This
option affects security at the file level only. If the file is protected by an
ACD, the ACD overrides the file access mask.
fileaccess File access mask specifications, entered as follows:
{ R L A W X } [,...] : { ANY AC GU AL GL CR } [,...]
The R, L, A, W, and X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC,
GU, AL, GL, CR) as follows:
LOCK allows opening the file with dynamic locking option. APPEND
implicitly specifies LOCK. WRITE implicitly specifies APPEND and LOCK. You
may specify two or more modes if you separate them by commas.
The user types are specified as follows:
ANY = Any user
AC = Member of this account only
GU = Member of this group only
AL = Account librarian user only
GL = Group librarian user only
CR = Creator