
416 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode Pascal/V program. Pascal/V is not
part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and
must be purchased separately. The native mode equivalent of this command is PASXLGO.
PASCALGO[ textfile][,listfile] [ ;INFO=quotedstring]
textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is
read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is PASTEXT.
Default is $STDIN. $STDIN is the current input device, usually your
PASTEXT cannot be backreferenced as an actual file designator in the
command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
listfile Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written.
This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is PASLIST.
Default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually your terminal if you are
running Pascal/V interactively, or the printer if you are running a batch
PASLIST cannot be backreferenced as an actual file designator in the
command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit
FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
quotedstring A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks
(apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks. You may use the
delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice. Any
occurrence of two single or two double quotation marks in a row is
considered part of the string, and, therefore, not the terminating delimiter.
INFO=quotedstring is used in the Pascal/V programming language to pass
initial compiler options to a program. Pascal/V brackets the quotedstring
with dollar signs and places it before the first line of source code in the text
Operation Notes
The PASCALGO command compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode Pascal/V
program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device. If you
do not specify listfile, MPE/iX sends the program listing to the formal file designator
PASLIST (default is $STDLIST).