
Chapter 3 139
Command Definitions C-E
Compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1974 ANSI standard entry point and
creates an object file. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer
System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This
command is recognized only if HP COBOL II/iX is installed on your system. (Native Mode)
COB74XL [textfule]
[,[objectfile][ ,[listfile][,[masterfile][,newfile]]]]
[;INFO=quotedstring][ ;WKSP=workspacename]
[ ;XDB=xdbfilename]
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
textfile The name of the file that contains the source code that is to be compiled.
This can be any ASCII or toolset access method (TSAM) file that you
prepare with an editor such as EDIT/V. The formal file designator is
If you are running HP COBOL II/iX from your terminal, you will probably
specify a disk textfile. If you do not specify textfile, the default file is $STDIN.
$STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal.
objectfile Actual file designator of the object file, which is the output of the compiler.
This file is stored in binary form and has a file code of either NMOBJ (1461)
or NMRL (1033). Its formal file designator is COBOBJ. If the objectfile
parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file
$OLDPASS, if it exists, or to $NEWPASS, which then becomes $OLDPASS.
If you specify objectfile, the compiler stores the object file in a permanent
file of the correct size, type, and name you specified.
If either a file of the same name or the default file $OLDPASS already
exists, the new object code overwrites the old if the file code is NMOBJ or is
appended to the old if the file code is NMRL. If the file code is NMRL, any
existing version of the code module is first purged.