574 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
LDEV Includes the logical device number and may include one of the following:
J Accepts jobs.
D Accepts data.
A Accepts jobs and data.
AVAIL Lists the availability of devices and disks as follows:
AVAIL The device is available as a real, nonshareable device.
AVAIL W The device is a tape with write enable on the media.
SPOOLED The device is available for input or output spooling.
UNAVAIL The device is not available; it is under the control of a job,
session, or a system process, such as a spooler.
DISC The device is a disk and is always available.
DISC (RPS) The device is a CS-80 disk on which rotational position
sensing (RPS) has been enabled.
OWNERSHIP Includes device ownership and may include one of the following:
SYS Controlled by the system. If #nnn appears, it specifies the
process identification number (PIN) of the controlling
process (program).
SPOOLER IN Input spooling in effect, controlled by spooler.
SPOOLER OUT Output spooling in effect, controlled by spooler.
#Jnnn Controlled by the indicated job.
#Snnn Controlled by the indicated session.
nn FILES Indicates number of files currently in use on a disk.
DOWN Device is offline, requested by system operator with the
DOWN command.
DP Device is being taken offline (DOWN command operation
VOLID The volume identification and may include one of the following:
IBM The named magnetic tape volume that has a label written
in the IBM format.
ANSI The named magnetic tape volume that has a label.
NOLABEL The named magnetic tape volume that has no label.
DEN Density of the tape, which may include one of the following:
6250 Density of 6250 BPI (bytes-per-inch).