
382 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
Creates a directory. (Native Mode)
NEWDIR[ DIR=] dir_name [ ;SHOW | NOSHOW]
dir_name The name of the directory that you are creating (required). The dir_name is
assumed to be an MPE name unless it begins with a a dot (.) or a slash (/),
which indicates an HFS directory.
The dir_name may not end in a slash, have wildcard characters, or
reference a file equation.
SHOW Echoes the absolute pathname of the newly created directory to
$STDLIST. SHOW is the default.
NOSHOW Suppresses the display of the absolute directory name.
The NEWDIR command creates a directory named dir_name. All parent directories must
already exist. The new directory inherits the group ID (GID) from its parent directory and
the user ID (UID) from the user creating the directory. The special directory entries dot (.)
and dot-dot (..) are automatically created under dir_name.
By default NEWDIR creates an MPE-named directory, which means that dir_name must
follow all MPE naming rules. Since the MPE name syntax defines three levels, fully (or
partially) qualified MPE-named directories can only be created under MPE groups.
Unqualified MPE-named directories are created relative to the CWD.
If dir_name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), then HFS naming rules are enforced.
Directories do not support lockwords, file equations, or system defined file names (for
example, $NEWPASS).
You must have create directory entries (CD) permission for the parent directory and save
files (SF) capability. Furthermore, traverse directory entries (TD) ac cess is required for
each directory component named in dir_name. (Refer to the ALTSEC command in this
chapter for further information on directory permissions.)
The NEWDIR command may be invoked from a job, a session, a program, or in BREAK.
Break has no effect on this command.