528 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
DEBUG Instructs the process to enter the system debugger just before executing
the first instruction of the program. Once the debugger has been invoked,
the commands available to the user depend upon the user's assigned
capability. The default is not to enter the system debugger. This parameter
is ignored in a job.
maxstack The maximum CM stack area (Z-DL) size permitted, in 16-bit words. This
parameter is included if you expect the size of the DL or the Z-DB areas to
be changed during the program execution. But no matter what you specify,
MPE/iX may change maxstack to accommodate table overflow conditions.
A value of -1 or a + sign (interpreted as a zero) causes the default value to
be used.
The maxstack is always equal to the compatibility mode maximum default
size if progfile is a native mode program.
parameternum A value that can be passed to the program as a general parameter for
control or other purposes. If the parameter is not specified, the default
value is zero (0). If the executing program is a compatibility mode
program, Q(initial)-4 contains the parameter value. Note: Q relative
addresses are 16-bit word addresses. Q(initial) is the Q address for the
outer block of the program.
MPE/iX provides an intrinsic (GETINFO) for retrieving the PARM parameter
for a native mode process.
stacksize The size of the CM local area, Z-Q, in 16-bit words. This value, if specified,
must be in the range 512 to 32,767. It overrides the default stack size
estimated by the MPE segmenter.
The stacksize is always equal to the compatibility mode maximum default
size if progfile is a native mode program.
dlsize The DL-DB area to be assigned initially to the CM stack. To accommodate
system logging requirements, this area is always rounded upward in such
a way that the distance from the beginning of the stack data segment to
the DB address is a multiple of 128 16-bit words.
This value must be in the range -1 to 32,767. The default (which is used
when no value or an invalid value is specified) is estimated by the MPE
segmenter. A + sign for this parameter is interpreted as a zero.
The dlsize is always equal to the compatibility mode maximum default size
if progfile is a native mode program.
nmstacksize The maximum size in bytes to which the NM stack may grow. This must be
a decimal number. If a value is specified which is less than the
system-defined minimum (including values <= 0), the system-defined
value will be used. If a value is specified which is greater than the
system-defined maximum value, the system-defined maximum value will
be used. A + sign for this parameter is interpreted as a zero.