468 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Editing Samples
The Table 6-4 shows examples of using the REDO command.
>^ UPSHIFT FROM EOL. Upshifts the character at the current EOL. You may specify
multiple ^'s to upshift a series of characters (read right-to-left) from the EOL. Also,
you may follow this directive with other edits.
>^w UPSHIFT WORD FROM EOL. Upshifts the last word in the command line. You may
follow this directive with other edits.
>^delim UPSHIFT TO DELIMITER FROM EOL. Starting at the end of the current line,
upshifts all characters right-to-left up to, but not including, delim. If the delimiter is
not found, no upshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
>v DOWNSHIFT FROM EOL. Downshifts the character at the current EOL. You may
specify multiple v's to downshift a series of characters (read right-to-left) from the
EOL, and you may follow this directive with other edits.
>vw DOWNSHIFT WORD FROM EOL. Downshifts the last word in the command line. You
may follow this directive with other edits.
>vdelim DOWNSHIFT TO DELIMITER FROM EOL. Starting at the end of the current line,
downshifts all characters right-to-left up to, but not including, delim. If the delimiter
is not found, no downshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
>rtext REPLACE. Replaces characters at the end of the command line. The replacement is
done so that the last (rightmost) character of the replacement string is at the end of
the line.
c CHANGE. Changes all occurrences of one string to another in the current line when
the search string and replace string are properly delimited. A proper delimiter is a
nonalphabetic character (such as ', ", / or ,). The substitution is specified as:
c<delim> search-string<delim> [replace-string [<delim>]]. Omitting the
replace-string causes occurrences of search-string to be deleted, with no
u UNDO. A single u in column one cancels the most recent edit of the current line.
Using the UNDO command twice in a row cancels all edits for the current line and
reestablishes the original, unedited line. If u is placed anywhere other than column
one of the current line, then a simple replacement is performed. UNDO makes sense
only if you have a line on which you have performed some editing that can be
other Simple replacement. Any other character (not i, r, d, d>, >, >d, c, or u) causes that
character to be replaced in the current line at the position indicated by the
character. In fact, simple replacement also occurs for the editing characters i, r, c,
or > if they are not followed by text; or if > appears at or beyond the current end of
Directive Effect