Chapter 4 283
Command Definition F-K
ciinfo An INFO string to be passed to the command interpreter. For the MPE/iX
CI, it is the first command to be executed by the command interpreter.
This parameter replaces the ( ) COMMAND
LOGON command and approximates its function. The ( ) COMMAND
LOGON command caused the session to terminate after executing the
specified command. In contrast, the ciinfo parameter does not terminate
the session unless ciparm is set to 1, 3, or 5.
Running the CI as a child process in this way restricts the flexibility of
ciparm. More flexibility is available by running the CI as a standalone
ciparm The command interpreter parameter number you wish to use. The MPE/iX
command interpreter accepts the numbers listed below. If you enter any
other value, it is treated as zero (0).
0, 2, 4 Executes logon UDCs and displays the CI banner and the
welcome message. This is the default.
1, 3, 5 Same as 0, but the CI terminates after processing the
INFO= string. If the INFO= string is not specified, the CI
terminates after executing the first user-supplied
-1 Prohibits cataloging of UDCs and suppress the display of
the CI banner and the welcome message. Invoking this
level requires system manager (SM) capability.
-2 Same as -1, but the CI terminates after processing the
info= command. Invoking this level requires system
manager (SM) capability.
The MPE/iX CI distinguishes between ciparms 1, 3, 5 and 0, 2, 4 when it is
run from within the CI, that is, after the session has logged on.
If a user without SM capability uses -1 or -2, the system substitutes a
parameter value of 0 and does NOT display an error message.
Operation Notes
The HELLO command initiates an interactive session and must be entered from a terminal;
no other device can be used for this command. You must supply both a valid username and
acctname in your logon command or MPE/iX rejects your logon attempt and displays an
error message. If your logon attempt is accepted, MPE/iX displays specific logon
information and prompts you for your next MPE/iX command. In the following example, a
user has logged on under the username USER and the acctname TECHPUBS:
HP3000 Release: X.50.40 User Version : X.50.40 THU, DEC 8, 1994, 1:15 PM
MPE/iX HP31900 B.78.11 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved.