484 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Resets the running counts of CPU-time or connect-time accumulated by an account and by
all groups within that account to zero.
RESETACCT[{ @ acct } [ ,{ CPU CONNECT } ] ]
@ Specifies that the counters for all accounts, and all groups within the
accounts, are to be reset. Default.
acct Specifies the name of a particular account, and all groups within the
account are to be reset.
CPU Specifies that only the CPU usage counter is to be reset. Default is that
both the CPU-time and connect-time counters are reset.
CONNECT Specifies that only the connect-time usage counter is to be reset. Default is
that both the CPU-time and connect-time counters are reset.
Operation Notes
This command resets the running counts of CPU-time or connect-time accumulated by an
account and by all groups within that account to zero. If all parameters are omitted when
you execute RESETACCT, all counters (except file space) for all groups in all accounts are
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to execute this
To reset the CPU counter for all accounts in the system, enter:
Related Information
Commands REPORT
Manuals None