Chapter 2 25
Command Definitions A-B
2 Command Definitions A-B
This chapter provides information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, they are
arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following
Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief
definition of its function.
Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the
command and its parameters.
Parameters Provides an explanation of each parameter and its function, limitations,
and defaults.
Operation Notes Provides an explanation of the operation of the command and notes on
any special considerations.
Use Provides information on the conditions within which the command can be
used such as a session, job, program, or in BREAK. This entry also
indicates whether the command can be interrupted with the
Break key
and, if appropriate, lists any special capabilities required to use it. Refer to
the NEWACCT command for a list of special capabilities.
Examples Provides examples of how to use the command.
Related Information Provides pointers to other commands or manuals that might
contain additional information.