
558 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
Creates or assigns a value to a job control word (JCW) variable.
SETJCW jcwname delimiter value[{+-}value]
jcwname The name of a new or existing user-defined or system-defined job control
word (JCW). You can use @ to specify all currently defined JCWs.
You may not specify the system-reserved JCWs, HPMINUTE, HPHOUR,
delimiter One or more punctuation characters or spaces, except %, !, and -.
Whatever character is used delimits the name and value.
value One of the following:
An octal number between %0 and %177777, inclusive.
A decimal number between 0 and 65,535, inclusive.
An MPE/iX-defined JCW value mnemonic (OK for 0; WARN for 16,384;
FATAL for 32,768; SYSTEM for 49,152) or an offset value of a mnemonic
(OK3 for 0 + 3).
The name of an existing JCW.
All specified values must be in the range of 0 to 65,535, inclusive. If the
option + or - is used, the result of the indicated operation must also be
within the range of 0 to 65,535, inclusive.
Operation Notes
A job control word (JCW) is a flag that allows information to be passed between processes
within a single job or session. There are three forms of JCWs: system-defined,
user-defined, and system-reserved.
Job control words in MPE/iX are classed as system variables of type JCW. You may delete
user-created variables. You may modify the two system-defined variables CIERROR and
JCW. Refer to appendix A, "Predefined Variables in MPE/iX," for a list of system-defined
The SETVAR command creates and assigns variables too, but variables created or assigned
with SETVAR are not of type JCW and cannot function as true job control words.
If you create or assign a value to a variable using the SETJCW command and later reassign
its value using the SETVAR command, the reassignment succeeds. If the new value is out of
range for a JCW, the variable type is changed to that of an ordinary user-defined variable: