Chapter 3 143
Command Definitions C-E
Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/iX program using the ANSI 1974 standard
entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System
Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is
recognized only if HP COBOL II/iX is installed on your system. (Native Mode)
[ ,[ listfile] [ ,[ masterfile] [ ,newfile] ] ] ]
[ ;INFO=quotedstring] [ ;WKSP=workspacename]
[ ;XDB=xdbfilename]
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
textfile The name of the file that contains the source file that is to be compiled.
This can be any ASCII or toolset access method (TSAM) file. The formal
file designator is COBTEXT.
If you are running HP COBOL II/iX from your terminal, you will probably
specify a disk textfile. If you do not specify textfile, the default file is $STDIN.
$STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal.
listfile The name of the file to which the compiler writes the program listing. This
can be any ASCII file. The formal file designator is COBLIST. If you do not
specify listfile, the default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the terminal
in a session or the printer in a batch job.
masterfile Actual file designator of the master file which is merged against textfile to
produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file
designator is COBMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is
read from textfile, or from $STDIN if textfile is not specified.
newfile Actual file designator of the merged textfile and masterfile. This can be any
ASCII output file. Formal file designator is COBNEW. Default is that no file
is written.
quotedstring A quoted string of no more than 255 characters, including the single or
double quotation marks that enclose it, that specifies compile time options.
The quotedstring string may be used to pass dollar sign ($) commands to the
compiler: "$command1$command2$command3...". The $ must be the
first character in the string, and it must be used to separate multiple
commands. To extend the quotedstring string over more than one physical