
244 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
formsmsg A message to the operator requesting that certain forms be mounted. The
message must be displayed and verified before the output data can be
printed on a line printer. The message is a string of no more than 49 ASCII
characters terminated by a period. Control characters for bells and inverse
video may be sent to the system console using this parameter. Attempts to
send other control characters, however, results in a display of blanks and
the associated control character letter when the forms message appears on
the system console. Default is that no forms message is sent.
EXC, SHR, EAR, SEMI Indicates if shared or exclusive file access is allowed. EXC is
exclusive access; after the file is opened, no other accesses are permitted.
For message files, EXC means one writer and one reader. For circular files
EXC means one reader or one writer. SHR is share access; after the file is
opened other accesses are permitted. EAR is exclusive access for one writer;
it allows multiple readers. SEMI is intended for use with message files; it
allows one exclusive reader, multiple writers; if the file is not a message
file, SEMI acts like EAR (one exclusive writer, multiple readers). Default is
EXC except with read only file access (IN).
NOLABEL or LABEL Indicates if this tape is labeled or unlabeled. NOLABEL specifies an
unlabeled tape. LABEL specifies a labeled tape. Default is NOLABEL.
volid Up to six alphanumeric characters identifying a labeled magnetic tape
volume. If a special character, such as # is specified, volid must be
surrounded by quotation marks (for example, FILE LT;DEV=TAPE;
ANS or IBM Type of standard label. ANS is ANSI-standard label. IBM is IBM-standard
label. Default is ANS.
expdate Month, day, year, written in the format mm/dd/yy. This specifies the
expiration date of the file, or the date after which information contained in
the file is no longer useful. The file can be overwritten without operator
reconfirmation after this date. Default is 00/00/00; the file can be
overwritten immediately.
seq Either an absolute file number between 1 and 9999 (inclusive), or one of
the following, which specifies the position of the file relative to other files
on the tape:
0 Causes a search of all volumes until the file is found.
ADDF ADDF positions the tape to add a new file on the end of the
volume (or last volume in a multivolume set). Note that
ADDF should not be used to add to a new labeled tape
NEXT NEXT positions the tape at the next file on the tape. If this
is the first FOPEN or HPFOPEN, then NEXT causes the tape
to be positioned to the first file on the tape. If the previous
FCLOSE specified REWIND, the tape backspaces to the last
file, and the position is as it was on the previous file. This
is the default.