Chapter 8 717
Command Definitions SP-Z
Executes any program or command file. Its value lies in preventing any possible confusion
when the name of the program or command file you want to execute is identical to the
name of a built-in MPE/iX command or UDC command name. (Native Mode)
XEQ filename[ parameterlist]*
XEQ filename[ ;INFO=quotedstring] [ ;PARM=parmvalue]**
* for command files
** for program files
filename The actual file name of the command file or program file to be executed.
The search path (HPPATH) is used if filename is not qualified.
parameterlist The list of parameters passed to filename when executing a command file.
This list corresponds to the PARM line(s) of the command file you intend to
quotedstring A parameter string for those program files that accept a parameter string.
parmvalue A parameter for a program file to be executed.
Operation Notes
This command executes filename, which may be a command file or a program file. XEQ uses
the search path. XEQ is needed only when filename references an existing, built-in MPE/iX
command or a UDC command, but it may be used for any executable file.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Whether or not
the command is breakable depends upon what is being executed at the time you press
Break. Command files may terminate or suspend execution, unless they specify OPTION
To execute a command file named FCOPY.PUB.MYACCT, enter: