450 Chapter 6
Command Definitions P-R
Removes an account and its groups and users from the system directory or from the
specified volume set's directory.
PURGEACCT acctname[ ;ONVS=volumesetname]
acctname Name of the account to be deleted. This name must contain from one to
eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
volume- setname The volume set from which the account is to be purged. Volume set names
consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore,
and periods.
If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume
The volumesetname specified refers to a previously defined volume set.
When a volumesetname is specified, the volume set must be mounted, or the
PURGEACCT command fails. When ONVS=volumesetname is specified, the
account is removed from the volume set directory. When ONVS= is specified
without volumesetname, the account is removed from the system directory.
Refer to the VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter.
Operation Notes
The system manager uses the PURGEACCT command to eliminate an entire account from
the system. When PURGEACCT is executed during a session, MPE/iX displays a verification
request to ensure that the wrong account is not deleted accidentally. Respond YES or NO to
the message:
No verification message is printed when the PURGEACCT is entered in a job.
The PURGEACCT command removes every user not currently logged on and every group/file
not in use. The order in which entries are purged is users first, then volume set definitions,
files, groups, and finally the account. If the command is executed while the account is in
use, the account remains on the system and active users, groups, and files are not purged
from the account. To completely purge an account, you must execute PURGEACCT when the
account is inactive.