
Chapter 3 179
Command Definitions C-E
Instructs MPE/iX to enter the system debugger. (Native Mode)
DEBUG[ commands]
commands A series of system debugger commands to be executed before the debugger
prompt is displayed. The string may be as many as 255 characters long.
There are no delimiters or keywords needed to pass these commands to the
debugger. If the CONTINUE command is not part of the commands string,
you are left in debug after the execution of those commands.
Operation Notes
The DEBUG command enters the system debugger. An optional parameter, commands,
defines a string of system debugger commands that are executed when the debugger is
invoked, but before the debugger prompt is displayed.
If the string contains commands that return the user to the command interpreter, those
commands are executed. Any remaining commands are pushed onto a command stack.
Another invocation of the DEBUG command executes the commands saved on the stack. If
you invoke DEBUG X;Y;Z and the command X returns control to the CI, then DEBUG
A;B;C executes the commands A;B;C;Y;Z.
This command may be issued from a session, program, or in BREAK. It may not be issued
from a job. Pressing
Break has no effect on this command. Privileged mode (PM) capability
is required to use this command.
To produce a stack trace and return to the command interpreter:
DEBUG XL A.00.00
HPDEBUG Intrinsic at: a.006b4104 hxdebug+$130
PC=a.006b4104 hxdebug+$130
* 0) SP=40221c58 RP=a.006b8e7c exec_cmd+$73c
1) SP=40221ac8 RP=a.006ba41c try_exec_cmd+$ac
2) SP=40221a78 RP=a.006b8638 command_interpret+$274
3) SP=40221620 RP=a.006bae5c xeqcommand+$1d0
4) SP=40221210 RP=a.006b7604 ?xeqcommand+$8
export stub: 7d.000068dc main_ci+$94
5) SP=40221178 RP=7d.00007420 PROGRAM+$250