
332 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
This command lists file and directory attributes through the use of options. The LISTFILE
information is a superset of the LISTF command information.
LISTFILE[[fileset=] { fileset (fileset[,fileset] ...) } ]
[ [ ;FORMAT=] format_opt]
[ [ ;SELEQ=] select_eq | ^indir]
[ [ ;NAME=] pattern]
[ ;PASS]
[ ;{ PERM} { ;TEMP} [ ;PERMTEMP] ]
fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed. The default for fileset is @, meaning all
MPE-named files in your current working directory (CWD). If fileset
includes more than one file, be sure to separate the file names with
commas and enclose the set in parentheses, for example:
:listfile (test1,test2,test3)
The files named in the fileset parameter can be either in MPE or HFS
syntax (explained below). The file names dot (.) and dot-dot (..) have
special meaning, that is, current directory and the parent of the current
directory, respectively.
Using Wildcards
You may use wildcard characters in any position in the file name. You may
use the - character as a wildcard in any position except as the first character
of the file name. These wildcards have the following meaning:
@ matches zero or more of any character
? matches one character
# matches one digit
[ ] matches one character specified between the brackets
- if used within brackets ([ ]), the hyphen (-) means a range
of characters. For example, "[c - g]" means all the
characters between c and g inclusive. The character on
the left must alphabetically precede the character on the
- If used immediately after the left bracket ([), or just before
the right bracket (]), hyphen (-) means the character `-'