236 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
If the name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), the name is considered to
follow the HFS file naming syntax rules:
• File names are not upshifted.
• File names can be up to 255 characters in length for absolute
pathnames and 253 characters for relative pathnames.
• File names can begin with, and contain, any of the following characters:
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, .
File names are of the form
where the path/filename combination may have a maximum of 255
characters. The expected behavior of the path/filename resolution is as
•iffilename = ..fn, look for file ..fn in the CWD (current working
•iffilename = /fn, look for file fn in root directory (/)
•iffilename = ./fn, look for file fn in the CWD
•iffilename = ../fn, look for file fn in parent directory
•iffilename = .fn, look for file .fn in the CWD
If a file has a lockword, attempts to open the file with the HFS naming
syntax fail unless the file also has an ACD which defeats the lockword. It
is recommended that all lockwords be removed in favor of ACDs.
nodespec An extension of the formal file reference. It may be an environment
identification (specified in a previous DSLINE or REMOTE command), or it
may be $BACK. It may appear in the formal file designator of the file or as
an extension of an actual file reference.
The nodespec parameter does not function when used with HFS naming
If an environment identification appears in a file designation and in the
DEV= option, an attempt to open the file (with the FOPEN or HPFOPEN
intrinsic, for example) produces an error.
$BACK instructs MPE/iX to "hop backward" one node toward your local
system to find the specified file. This works only if the FILE command is
issued in a remote session. If the systems involved are connected in a local
area network (LAN), one "hop backward" always means returning to your
local system. The $BACK specification is the same as DEV=# without an
environment name.
NOTE The nodespec parameter and REMOTE command are not part of the HP 3000
Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating System. The
NS3000/XL AdvanceNet subsystem must be purchased separately. The