698 Chapter 8
Command Definitions SP-Z
Notifies the system to keep a particular volume set online. The equivalent compatibility
mode command is MOUNT. (Native Mode)
>VSRESERVE [ volumesetname] [ ;GEN=genindex]
volume- setname The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online. If you omit the
parameter, the request is issued for the home volume set of the user's
logon group and account. Refer to "Operation Notes."
genindex A value from -1 to 32,767 specifying which generation of the volume set is
to be kept online. If you omit the parameter, the system does not check the
generation version of the specified volume set.
Operation Notes
This command calls for the specified volume set to be kept online, and prevents the console
operator from taking a particular volume set offline. Once this is done, the volume set is
designated as being in use by the user. It remains in this reserved state until the user
issues a VSRELEASE command or the operator issues a VSCLOSE
;NOW command; or until the user logs off.
The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private
In MPE V/E, the name A.B.C indicates that B is the name of a group and that C is the
name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name, but no interpretation is made as to the
referencing of B and C. Instead, MPE/iX treats A.B.C as a single, long string name. It is
the flexibility of the MPE/iX naming convention that makes it possible for MPE/iX to work
with a volume set designated A.B.C.
MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters,
including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic
character and consist of no more than 32 characters.
A volume set called MY_OWN_PERSONAL_VOLUME_SET is acceptable in MPE/iX, and so is
MY.OWN.PERSONAL.VOLUME.SET; similarly, A.B.C is acceptable.
If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (A.B.C), you must
use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands:
Vcommand A.B.C
Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of
the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default.