
314 Chapter 4
Command Definition F-K
Creates an executable program file by merging the relocatable object modules from all the
files in its FROM= parameter. Those files may correspond to object files, relocatable files, or
a combination of them. It also searches any relocatable libraries mentioned in the RL=
parameter list and merges any modules within those libraries that resolve an external
reference. (Native Mode)
LINK[ FROM=file[ ,file...] [ ;TO=destfile] ]
[ ;RL=rlfile[
[ ;XL=xlfile[,xlfile...]...]
[ ;CAP=caplist]
[ ;NMSTACK=nmstacksize]
[ ;NMHEAP=nmheapsize]
[ ;UNSAT=unsatname]
[ ;PARMCHECK=checklevel]
[ ;ENTRY=entryname]
[ ;PRIVLEV=priv_level]
[ ;PRI=pri_level]
[ ;MAXPRI=max_pri_level
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
file The name of an object file or a relocatable library file. It may be any binary
file of type NMOBJ or NMRL. All relocatable objects in the FROM= specified
list are merged to form the program file specified by destfile. If you omit this
parameter, LINK merges the object modules in the file $OLDPASS.
The FROM=, RL=, and XL= parameters allow a series of file names. You may
name each file individually, or you may provide an indirect file by
preceding that file's name with the caret symbol (^).
destfile The name of the program file (type NMPRG) where LINK places the
resulting executable object module. If destfile does not exist, LINK creates a
new one for you. If destfile does exist, it is destroyed and replaced by the
object module created by the current link operation.
rlfile The name of a relocatable library file (type NMRL) that resolves an external
reference made by an object module in the FROM= file list. LINK searches
the relocatable libraries in the RL list in the order in which you list them.