Chapter 5 385
Command Definitions L-O
connect The limit on the total cumulative session connect-time, in minutes, that
the group is allowed. This limit is checked at logon and whenever the
session initiates a new process. The maximum value you may specify with
this command is 2,147,483,647 minutes. Default is the account connect
A group's connect limit cannot be specified as greater than the
corresponding limit currently designed for the account in which the group
resides. Default is unlimited connect-time. The counter may be set to zero
with the RESETACCT command.
fileaccess The restriction on file access pertinent to this group. Default is R,X:ANY;
A,W,L,S:AL,GU for the public group (PUB); and R,A,W,L,X,S:GU for all
other groups.
{RLAWX } [ ,...] : { ANY AC GU AL GL } [ ,...]
where R, L, A, W, X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY, AC,
GU, AL, GL) as follows:
R = Read
L = Lock (exclusive file access)
A = Append (implies L)
W = Write (implies A and L)
X = Execute
S = Save
The user types are specified as follows:
ANY = Any user
AC = Member of this account only
GU = Member of this group only
AL = Account librarian user only
GL = Group librarian user only
Two or more user or access types may be specified if they are separated by