
Chapter 1 21
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
SHOWQ Displays process scheduling data and the contents of each subqueue.
=SHUTDOWN Initiates a shutdown of MPE/iX.
TUNE Alters the dispatcher subqueues which determine when processes must
relinquish the CPU.
Managing User/System Logging
ALTLOG Alters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier.
CHANGELOG Changes the user logging file without stopping or interrupting the logging
GETLOG Establishes a logging identifier on the system.
LISTLOG Lists active logging identifiers and whether automatic log file changing
has been enabled.
LOG Starts, restarts, or stops user logging.
RELLOG Removes a user logging identifier from the system.
RESUMELOG Resumes system logging following suspension caused by an error.
SHOWLOG Displays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of
disk space used.
STATUS Displays status information about opened user logging files assigned to a
logging identifier.
SWITCHLOG Closes the current system log file, then creates and opens a new one.
Managing Variables and Job Control Words
DELETEVAR Deletes one or more MPE/iX variables.
ERRCLEAR Zeros out all HP predefined error-related variables.
INPUT Allows you to interactively assign a value to any variable that can be set
with the SETVAR command.
SETJCW Creates or assigns a value to a job control word (JCW) variable.
SETVAR Assigns values to MPE/iX variables.
SHOWJCW Displays the current status of job control word variables.
SHOWVAR Displays current values for specific variables.
Managing Volumes (Disk Drives)
DSTAT Displays current status of system disk drives.
DISMOUNT Causes a volume set that was explicitly reserved by a user to be released.