Chapter 6 435
Command Definitions P-R
stacksize Size of initial local data area (Z-Q initial) stack, in words. This value, if
specified, must be between 511 and 32767 words. This parameter
overrides the default stacksize estimated by the MPE segmenter.
dlsize DL-DB area to be initially assigned to stack. This area is of interest
mainly in programmatic applications. Due to system logging
considerations, the DL-DB area is always rounded upward so that the
distance from the beginning of the stack data segment to the DB-address
is a multiple of 128 words. Specify a value between -1 and 32767 words.
The default is estimated by the MPE segmenter.
capabilitylist Capability class attributes associated with a program, specified as
two-character mnemonics. If more than one mnemonic is specified, each
must be separated from its neighbor by a comma. The mnemonics are:
IA = Interactive Access
BA = Local Batch Access
PH = Process Handling
DS = Extra Data Segments
MR = Multiple RINs
PM = Privileged Mode
You can only specify those capabilities assigned by the account manager or
system manager. Default is IA and BA.
filename Actual file designator of the relocatable library (RL) file to be searched to
satisfy external references during preparation. This can be any permanent
binary file of type RL. It need not belong to your logon group, nor have a
reserved local name. This file, to which you must have READ and LOCK
access, yields a single segment that is incorporated into the segments of
the program file. For more information, refer to the MPE Segmenter
Reference Manual (30000-90011). Default is that no library is searched.
patchsize Specifies the size of the patch area. This size applies to all segments within
the program file. The value you specify must be within -1 and 16380 words.
NOSYM Suppresses the symbolic DEBUG option. Refer to the HPToolset/V Reference
Manual (32350-90001).
FPMAP or NOFPMAP Includes or excludes the internal PMAP information. FPMAP is a
request to have internal PMAP information included in the program.
NOFPMAP excludes PMAP information from the program when the system
FPMAP or job/session FPMAP is on. If the symbolic DEBUG option is invoked,
default is FPMAP. Otherwise the default is NOFPMAP.
Operation Notes
The PREP command prepares a compiled source program for execution. Unless you prepare
the program into a previously created program file, PREP creates a temporary program file
for you. It is a good idea to specify a nonexistent program file when you issue the PREP
command. This way, MPE/iX creates a file of the optimum size and characteristics. (Refer
to the "Examples" section.)