Chapter 8 639
Command Definitions SP-Z
Creates a session on the specified device, if the user has programmatic sessions (PS)
STARTSESS ldev [ sessionname,] user [ /userpass] .acct [/acctpass][ ,group [/grouppass]]
[ ;TERM={termtype}][ [;TIME=cpusecs]
[ ;PRI= {BS | CS | DS | ES}][{ ;INPRI=inputpriority | ;HIPRI}]
[ ;NOWAIT][ ;INFO=ciinfo][ ;PARM=ciparm]
ldev The logical device number of the target terminal. This terminal must be a
real physical device and cannot be a virtual terminal or a distributed
system (DS) pseudo terminal. The terminal must be configured as type 16
and as subtype 0 or 4.
sessionname Arbitrary name used in conjunction with the user and acct parameters to
form a fully qualified session identity. The name may contain from one to
eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
Default is that no session name is assigned.
user User name, established by the account manager, that allows you to log on
to this account. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric
characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
userpass User password, optionally assigned by the account manager. The password
may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. If a password exists, but is not supplied in the
command syntax, STARTSESS will prompt you for it if:
• STARTSESS is invoked from a session.
• Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected.
• STARTSESS is a first level command (it is not nested within a second
level STREAM command, or any other second level command such as
If the password is supplied in the command syntax it must be preceded by
a slash (/).