Owner’s Manual
(1) Press the [PALETTE] button.
The display changes to:
All modifications on this page and the related
pages are SysEx data that alter the actual song
data (without replacing them). Only the
DisCover 5 can read these data. To other SMF
players, the song will still be the original song,
i.e. they will ignore these newly added SysEx
Here’s what’s new on this page.
(2) Use the [ø] [˚] fields in the lower right corner
to select the instrument you wish to edit.
Each page indeed only displays the name of one
Tone/Drum Set. If you select a Drum Set, the
display changes to:
The [Octave] field is replaced by a
[Drum≈Instrument] field. See below for details.
(3) Press the big Tone/Drum Set field and use the
TONE/USER PROGRAM buttons or the
[Tone≈Finder] facility to select another Tone or
Drum Set.
You can also use the [PREV] [NEXT] buttons to
select this field.
(4) Use the [PREV] and [NEXT] buttons to select
the parameter you wish to edit, and set the
desired value with the [VALUE] dial.
(5) Press [UNDO≈Changes] to reset the parameter
of the currently selected field to its saved set-
Example: If you change the Reverb parameter
(set to “40” within the Standard MIDI File) to
“94”, pressing [UNDO≈Changes] recalls the value
Note: The “saved setting” referred to above can mean
two things: the original value contained in the Standard
MIDI File (if you haven’t yet used the [SAVE] field), or the
last setting you saved yourself (via the [SAVE] field).
[PanPot] Use this parameter to set the stereo
placement of the selected instrument. Negative
values shift the instrument towards the left, “0”
means “no change”. Positive values shift the
instrument towards the right.
Note: In the case of Drum Sets, this setting applies to
all drum/percussion instruments. There is also a param-
eter that can be set for certain drum instruments. See
page 93.
[Octave] (Only for Tones) Use this parameter to
transpose the selected instrument up or down
by up to 4 octaves if you think it is too high or
too low.
[Velocity] This parameter allows you to modify
the velocity range of the instrument in ques-
tion. “0” means that the recorded values are left
untouched, negative values reduce all velocity
values by the same amount (leaving differences
between notes intact), while positive settings
shift all velocity values in a positive direction.
[Drum≈Instrument] (Only for Drums Sets) Calls
up the display page of the same name. This is a
field you need to press (it cannot be activated
or selected with the [PREV] [NEXT] buttons). See
page 93 for details.
Note: All fields in the DisCover 5’s display labelled “Go
To”, “Do It”, and “Back to…” need to be pressed.
[Drum≈Instrument] is part of those fields.
Note: See page 94 for details about the [Common] field.
Most fields ([MUTE], [Volume], [Reverb],
[Chorus], [Jump≈to≈1st≈Note], [SOLO], [SAVE])
should look familiar. See the previous pages
for details.