102 Chapter 11—Common Channel Functions
02R96—Owner’s Manual
MIX: This parameter, available only on the Input Channel Delay pages, sets the mix of dry
and wet signals.
FB.GAIN: This parameter, available only on the Input Channel Delay pages, sets the
amount of feedback.
Soloing Channels
Input Channels, Bus Outs, and Aux Sends can be soloed as follows.
1 Use the LAYER buttons to select the Input Channel Layers if you want to solo
Input Channels, or select the Master Layer if you want to solo Output Chan-
Input and Output Channels cannot be soloed simultaneously. Soled Input Channels will be
unsoled when an Output Channel is soloed, and vice versa.
2 Use the [SOLO] buttons to solo the channels on the selected Layer.
The [SOLO] button indicators of channels that are soloed light up.
The SOLO indicator in the MONITOR section flashes when the Solo
function is active. You can unsolo all soloed channels by pressing the
SOLO [CLEAR] button.
Configuring Solo
The Solo function is configured on the Solo Setup page. If the Auto SOLO Display prefer-
ence is on, this page appears automatically when a channel is soloed. See “Auto SOLO Dis-
play” on page 197.
1 Use the MONITOR [DISPLAY] button to locate the Solo Setup page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
SOLO: This is used to enable and disable the Solo function.
STATUS: This determines the Solo mode: Recording or Mixdown. It affects only Input
In Recording Solo mode, soloed Input Channel signals are fed to the Solo bus and output
via the Control Room Outputs. Other buses are unaffected by this mode. If the Listen
parameter is set to AFTER PAN, the signal source for Input Channels that are off, is pre
In Mixdown Solo mode, soloed Input Channel signals are fed to the Stereo bus and output
via the Stereo Out and Control Room Outputs. Unsoloed Input Channels are muted and
their [ON] button indicators flash (unless they are Solo Safe enabled). Only Input Channels