190 Chapter 19—Remote Control
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Configuring the User Defined Remote Layer
The User Defined Remote Layer can be configured as follows.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [REMOTE] button to locate the Remote page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
TARGET: This is used to select the target (only the User Defined target is explained in this
TRANSMIT: This enables and disables MIDI data transmission for the Remote Layer.
INITIALIZE: This initializes the settings of the currently selected bank.
BANK: These buttons are used to select banks 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each bank can contain MIDI
settings for the 24 faders, Encoders, and [ON] buttons. Banks can be stored to an external
MIDI device, such as a MIDI data filer, by using MIDI Bulk Dump (see page 168). See “User
Defined Remote Layer Initial Bank Settings” on page 219 for a list of initial bank settings.
ID/SHORT/LONG: On the Remote Layer, channel strips 1–24 are identified by the fixed
IDs RM01–RM24. You can enter a Short and Long name for each Remote channel strip. To
enter a name, use the cursor buttons to select the SHORT or LONG name, use the [SEL]
buttons, Parameter wheel, or INC/DEC buttons to select the channel strips, and then press
[ENTER]. When the Title Edit window appears, enter a name, and press OK when you’ve
finished. See “Title Edit Window” on page 32 for more information.
ON: These parameters are used to specify the MIDI message (up to 16 bytes) to be trans-
mitted when an [ON] button is pressed. Use the [SEL] buttons to select the channel strips,
and then edit as necessary. When a value from 00 to FF is specified, that value is transmitted
when an [ON] button is pressed. For the SW setting, data value 7F is transmitted when an
[ON] button is turned on, and data value 00 is transmitted when an [ON] button is turned
off. The END setting specifies the end of the data. NOP means no data is transmitted.
UNLATCH/LATCH: This parameter determines the operation of the [ON] buttons:
Latching or Non-latching. When set to UNLATCH, an ON value is transmitted when an
buttons is pressed, and an OFF value is transmitted when it’s released. When set to LATCH,
an ON value is transmitted when the button is pressed and that value is maintained when
the button is released. The next time you press that button, the OFF value is transmitted.
LEARN: This button is used to turn on and off the Learn function, which can be used to
learn what MIDI messages are being transmitted by external MIDI devices when their con-
trols or parameters are adjusted. When on, received MIDI messages are displayed in the
DATA area. Only the first 16 bytes of data, starting with a Status bit, are displayed.
ENCODER: These parameters are used to specify the MIDI message (up to 16 bytes) to be
transmitted when an Encoder is operated. Use the [SEL] buttons to select the channel strips,
and then edit as necessary. When a value from 00 to FF is specified, that value is transmitted