198 Chapter 20—Other Functions
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Fast Meter Fall Time: When this preference is on, the level meters fall quicker.
TC Drop Warning: When this preference is on, a warning message appears if a dropout
is detected in the incoming timecode.
DIO Warning: When this preference is on, a warning message appears if any errors are
detected in digital audio signals received by the Slot Inputs or 2TR Digital Inputs.
MIDI Warning: When this preference is on, a warning message appears if any errors are
detected in the incoming MIDI messages.
Initial Data Nominal: When this preference is on, Input Channel faders are set to nom-
inal when Scene #0 is recalled.
Meter Follow Layer: When this preference is on, the optional MB02R96 Peak Meter
Bridge automatically follows the Layer selection on the 02R96.
Scene MEM Auto Update: When this preference is on, the Shadow Scene memories
can be used (see page 139).
Joystick Auto Grab: When this preference is on, the Joystick automatically kicks in as the
surround pan control when it’s moved to the current surround pan position (see page 70).
Cascade COMM Link: When this preference is on, various functions are linked between
cascaded 02R96s (see page 49). When this preference is off, only digital audio signals are
distributed among the cascaded 02R96s.
Preferences 2
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to locate the Preferences 2 page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the preferences, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, or [ENTER] button to set them.
Channel ID/Channel: When the Channel ID preference is on, the Channel ID appears
in the upper-right corner of the display pages (e.g., CH1-CH1). When the Channel Short
Name preference is on, the Channel ID and Channel Short name appear (e.g.,
Port ID/Port: When the Port ID preference is on, patch pages show Port IDs. When the
Port Short Name preference is on, they display Short Port names. See “Patching with the
Encoders” on page 58.
Display Brightness: This preference is used to set the brightness of the LED displays and
Fader Touch Sensitivity: This determines the touch sensitivity of the fader knobs when
they are used for selecting channels. If you’re having trouble selecting channels because the
fader knobs are not sensitive enough, try increasing this value. If they are too sensitive, try
reducing it. It’s important that the 02R96 is grounded properly for Touch Select to work
correctly. See “Grounding screw” on page 28 for more information.