44 Chapter 5—Digital I/O & Cascading
02R96—Owner’s Manual
2TR Digital Ins
The 02R96 features three sets of 2-track digital inputs: 2TR IN DIGI-
TAL AES/EBU 1 uses an XLR-3-31-type connector and accepts
AES/EBU format digital audio. 2TR IN DIGITAL COAXIAL 2 and 3
use phono connectors and accept consumer format (IEC-60958) digi-
tal audio. These inputs can be monitored via the Control Room mon-
itors by using the CONTROL ROOM [2TR D1], [2TR D2], and [2TR D3] buttons. They
can be patched to Input Channels (see page 52), Input Channel Insert Ins (see page 53), or
Output Channel Insert Ins (see page 55). Digital audio signals received at sampling rates
other than the current 02R96 rate can be converted by the internal sampling rate converters
(see page 44). You can monitor the Channel Status of digital signals present at these inputs
on the Channel Status Monitor page (see page 48).
2TR In Sampling Rate Conversion
The 02R96’s 2TR Digital Inputs feature sampling rate converters so you can easily connect
your legacy 44.1/48 kHz digital audio equipment.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [DIO] button to locate the Sampling Rate Con-
verter page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, or [ENTER] button to set them.
The FS box in the lower-left corner displays the current wordclock status: 44.1kHz, 48kHz,
88.2kHz, 96kHz, or Unlock.
2TR IN D1–3: These buttons are used to turn on and off the sampling rate converter for
each 2TR Digital Input. When on, the sampling rate of the received digital audio is con-
verted to the 02R96’s current sampling rate. The original sampling rate is displayed.