134 Chapter 14—Internal Effects & Plug-Ins
02R96—Owner’s Manual
TYPE: This is the effects type used in the previously recalled Effects memory. Its I/O con-
figuration is shown below this.
MIX BALANCE: This is used to set the balance between the wet and dry signals. When set
to 0%, only the dry signal is heard. When set to 100%, only the wet signal is heard.
BYPASS: This button is used to bypass the currently selected effects processor.
TEMPO: These parameters, which appear only when an effects type with a delay parame-
ter, or a modulation-based effects type with a Frequency parameter is selected, are used to
automatically calculate and set the delay time, or modulation frequency relative to the spec-
ified tempo and note length. Use the Note parameter to specify the note length, and use the
BPM control to specify the tempo. You can also specify the tempo by tapping the TAP
TEMPO button, which calculates the tempo based on the time interval between two taps.
When the MIDI CLK button is on, the tempo is derived from the MIDI Clock information
received at the specified MIDI Rx port. See “MIDI I/O” on page 163.
Meters: These are output meters for the currently selected effects processor. There are
eight meters when processor #1 is selected; two when processors 2–4 are selected.
Effects parameters can also be adjusted by using Parameter controls 1–4. Use the Parameter
Up/Down buttons to select the rows of parameters. The parameters in the currently selected
row appear highlighted. Up to 16 parameters can be displayed at a time, and if more are
available, an up or down arrow is displayed.
When a Y56K card effect, or an internal effects processor is inserted in the currently selected
channel, when the EFFECTS/PLUG-INS [CHANNEL INSERTS] button is pressed, the cor-
responding EFFECTS/PLUG-INS [1–4] button indicator flashes, and the corresponding
Effects, or Plug-In edit page appears. If it’s a Y56K card that’s inserted, the [PLUG-INS] but-
ton indicator also flashes. If it’s an internal effects processor, the [INTERNAL EFFECTS]
button indicator also flashes. This applies only to effects that are inserted into channels. If
there’s nothing inserted in the currently selected channel, a message appears.
Parameter controls 1–4
Parameter Up/Down