Setting Preferences 197
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Setting Preferences
You can customize the operation of the 02R96 by using the preferences pages.
Preferences 1
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to locate the Preferences 1 page.
2 Use the cursor buttons or Parameter wheel to select the preferences, and
use the INC/DEC buttons or [ENTER] button to set them.
Auto ROUTING Display: When this preference is on, the Routing pages appear auto-
matically when a button in the SELECTED CHANNEL ROUTING section is pressed (see
page 66).
Auto DYNAMICS Display: When this preference is on, the Gate Edit page appears auto-
matically when a gate control in the SELECTED CHANNEL DYNAMICS section is oper-
ated (see page 60), and the Comp Edit page appears automatically when a Compressor
control in the SELECTED CHANNEL DYNAMICS section is operated (see page 97).
Auto PAN/SURROUND Display: When this preference is on, the Pan pages appears
automatically when a control in the SELECTED CHANNEL PAN/SURROUND section is
operated (see page 68). Similarly, when a Surround Pan mode other than Stereo is selected,
the Input Channel Surround Edit page appears automatically when the Joystick is operated
(see page 70).
Auto EQUALIZER Display: When this preference is on, the EQ Edit page appears auto-
matically when a control in the SELECTED CHANNEL EQUALIZER section is operated
(see page 93).
Auto SOLO Display: When this option is on, the Solo Setup page appears automatically
when an channel is soloed (see page 102).
Auto WORD CLOCK Display: When this preference is on, the Word Clock Select page
appears automatically if the currently selected external wordclock source fails (see page 42).
Auto Channel Select: When this preference is on, channels can be selected by moving
the corresponding fader or Encoder, or by turning on the corresponding [AUTO], [SOLO],
or [ON] button.
Store Confirmation: When this preference is on, the Title Edit window appears when
you store a Scene (page 140) or library memory (page 122).
Recall Confirmation: When this preference is on, a confirmation message appears when
you recall a Scene (page 140) or library memory (page 122).
Patch Confirmation: When this preference is on, a confirmation message appears when
you edit the Input and Output Patches (see page 52).
L/R Nominal Pan: When this preference is on, left/odd and right/even signals will be at
nominal level when Input Channels are panned hard left or hard right, and at –3 dB when
panned center. When this preference is off, signals panned hard left or hard right will be at
3 dB, and at nominal level when panned center.