148 Chapter 16—Automix
02R96—Owner’s Manual
FADER EDIT: These buttons are used to set the Fader Edit mode: Absolute or Relative. The
Fader Edit mode determines how fader moves are rerecorded. It has no effect during the
first recording pass. In Absolute mode, fader moves are rerecorded as absolute values and
existing fader data is erased. In Relative mode, fader moves are rerecorded relative to the
existing fader data.
Fader data includes Input Channel levels, Bus Out master levels, Aux Send master levels,
Stereo Out level, and User Defined Remote Layer faders.
The following table explains Fader Edit mode operation (TO END: off. Edit Out: off)
TIME REFERENCE: This section displays the current timecode source and frame rate. If
you select this item and then press the [ENTER] button, you can jump directly to the Time
Reference page (see page 152).
OVERWRITE: These buttons determine which parameters can be recorded on the first
pass, and rerecorded (i.e., overwritten) on subsequent passes. They can be set while record-
ing is in progress. Parameters for which the corresponding OVERWRITE button is not set,
cannot be edited while recording is in progress.
Scene and library recalls, and internal effects processors and Plug-Ins parameters can be
recorded regardless of the OVERWRITE settings.
NEW: This button is used to create a new Automix. When a new Automix is created, a
Scene recall event to recall the current Scene (i.e., the last Scene recalled) is automatically
inserted at the start of the Automix. You can edit this event so that another Scene is recalled.
This initial Scene is important because it sets all the mix parameters how you’d like them at
the beginning of the Automix. Without it, mix parameters would remain the same as when
Automix playback was stopped.
UNDO: This button is used to undo various Automix operations. During each recording
pass, when a new Automix is created, when an Automix is recalled, when an offline edit is
performed, or when the Undo function is used, the current Automix data is copied to the
Undo buffer, from which it can be retrieved by pressing UNDO while Automix is stopped.
The Undo buffer is cleared when the 02R96 is turned off. If you want to save the contents
of the Undo buffer, perform the undo, and then store the Automix (see page 130).
Absolute Relative
Fader edits are recorded as absolute values and
existing fader data between the punch in and out
points is erased.
Fader edits are rerecorded relative to the existing
fader data.
Parameter button Description
Channel faders (Inputs Channels, Bus Out masters, Aux Send masters, the Ste-
reo Out, and User Defined Layer faders)
Channel Mutes (ON/OFF), User Defined Layer [ON] buttons
Input Channel Pan, User Defined Layer Encoders
Input Channel Surround pan, LFE level, DIV parameter
Aux Send 1–8 levels
Aux Send 1–8 mutes
(F, Q, G, On/Off)
Punch out
Existing data
Punch in
Fader edit
Punch out
Existing data
Punch in
Fader edit