130 Chapter 13—Libraries
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Automix Library
Up to 16 Automixes can be stored in the Automix library. See page 145 for information on
using Automix.
1 Use the AUTOMIX [DISPLAY] button to select the Automix Memory page.
When storing, the current Automix is stored to the selected memory.
TITLE: This is the title of the current Automix.
CURRENT: This is the size of the current Automix.
FREE: This is the amount of free memory for storing the current Automix.
SIZE: This is the size of the selected Automix memory.
PROTECT: To protect the contents of the selected memory, select this and press [ENTER].
A padlock icon appears next to the titles of memories that are write-protected. Automixes
cannot be stored to write-protected memories.
For details on the Store, Recall, Title Edit, and Clear functions, see “General Library Oper-
ation” on page 122.
Surround Monitor Library
Surround Monitor settings can be stored in the Surround Monitor library, which contains
1 preset memory and 32 user memories. See page 116 for information on Surround Moni-
1 Use the MONITOR [DISPLAY] button to select the Surround Monitor Library
When storing, the current Surround Monitor settings are stored to the selected memory.
For details on the Store, Recall, Title Edit, and Clear functions, see “General Library Oper-
ation” on page 122.