54 Chapter 6—Input & Output Patching
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Output Patching
Signal sources for the Slot Outputs, Omni Outs, Output Channel Inserts Ins, Direct Outs,
and 2TR Digital Outputs are selected on the Output Patch pages, which are selected by
using the DISPLAY ACCESS [OUTPUT PATCH] button. Use the cursor buttons to select
the patch parameters, use the Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons to select a source, and
press [ENTER] to set.
Depending on the patch page, patch parameters display either Short Channel or Short Port
names. The Long Channel or Port name of the currently selected patch parameter is dis-
played in the upper-right corner of each page.
Signal sources can also be selected by using the Patch Select Window (see page 57). Insert
Ins, Insert Outs, and Direct Outs can also be patched by using the Encoders (see page 58).
See page 208 for a complete list of output patch sources. See page 213 for a list of initial out-
put patches.
Output Patch settings can be stored in the Output Patch library, which contains 1 preset
memory and 32 user memories. See “Output Patch Library” on page 124 for more informa-
Patching Slot Outputs
Bus Outs, Aux Sends, the Stereo Out, Input or Output Channel Insert Outs, or Surround
Monitor Channels can be patched to the Slot Outputs. Slot Outputs can be patched to
Direct Outs on the Direct Out Destination pages (see page 56).
The Slot Output Patch parameters for the four Slots are arranged into two pages. The Slot
1–2 Output Patch page is shown below. The layout of the other page is the same.
When a Slot Output is patched to a Direct Out (see page 56), and that Direct Out is assigned
on an Input Channel Routing page, the Slot Output patch cannot be changed here.