
About Plug-Ins 135
02R96—Owner’s Manual
About Plug-Ins
There are two types of Plug-Ins: Waves Plug-Ins and User Defined Plug-Ins. Waves Plug-Ins
are available on Y56K cards, which need to be installed in the 02R96’s mini YGDAI Slots
(Slots 3 and 4 only). See your Yamaha dealer for details. User Defined Plug-Ins can be used
to control up to 32 user definable parameters via MIDI Control Change or Parameter
Change messages on an external MIDI device, such as an external effects processor. Plug-In
parameters can be controlled by using the four Parameter controls below the display.
Plug-In parameter settings are stored in Scenes, for snapshot-style automation.
When installing Y56K cards, mini YGDAI Slots 3 and 4 correspond to Plug-Ins 3 and 4, so
if you install, for example, a Y56K card in Slot #4, it’s automatically configured as Plug-In
#4. 02R96 signals are patched through to the Y56K card’s effect chains just like any other sig-
nal is patched through to a Slot Input or Output. Slot Outputs (i.e., effect chain inputs) can
be fed from the Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Stereo Out, or the Input and Output Channel Insert
Outs. Slot Inputs (i.e., effect chain outputs) can be fed to the Input Channels, or the Input
and Output Channel Insert Ins. See “Input & Output Patching” on page 52.
Conguring Plug-Ins
Plug-Ins can be configured as follows.
If you’ve installed a Y56K card into one of the Slots, the 02R96 configures itself automati-
cally and no further configuration settings are required.
1 Press the EFFECTS/PLUG INS [PLUG-INS] button.
2 Use the EFFECTS/PLUG INS [DISPLAY] button to locate the Plug-In Setup
3 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
TARGET: These are used to assign a target to each of the four Plug-Ins. Parameters for the
specified target appear on the Plug-In Edit page when that Plug-In is selected by using the
EFFECTS PLUG-INS [1–4] buttons. In addition to using the cursor buttons, Plug-Ins can
also be selected on this page by using the EFFECTS PLUG-INS [1–4] buttons.
TITLE: If a Y56K card is installed, its name is displayed here. If the target is set to USER
DEFINED, the specified title of the bank currently selected on the Plug-In Edit page is dis-
PORT: If a Y56K card is installed, its Slot number is displayed here. If the target is set to
USER DEFINED, you can specify the Plug-Ins MIDI port as MIDI, SERIAL 1–8, USB 1–8,
or SLOT1 1–8. Plug-In MIDI Ports can also be set on the MIDI/To Host Setup page. See
“MIDI I/O” on page 163 for more information.