
Soloing Channels 103
02R96—Owner’s Manual
that are routed to the Stereo Out can be soloed in this mode. Input Channels that are off are
temporarily turned on when they are soloed.
SEL MODE: This determines the Solo Select mode: Mix Solo or Last Solo. In Mix Solo
mode, any number of channels can be soloed simultaneously. In Last Solo mode, only one
channel can be soloed at a time.
LISTEN: This determines the source of the Input Channel Solo signal: Pre Fader or After
Pan. It does not affect Mixdown Solo mode. Output Channels are fixed at After Pan.
SOLO TRIM: This is used to trim the level of the Solo signal. This parameter does not
affect Mixdown Solo mode.
SOLO SAFE CHANNEL: For Mixdown Solo mode, Input Channels can be configured
individually so that they are not muted when other Input Channels are soloed. Use the
[SEL] buttons, cursor buttons, or Parameter wheel to select the SOLO SAFE CHANNEL
buttons. Use the [ENTER] or INC/DEC buttons to set Solo Safe for each Input Channel.
These settings do not affect Recording Solo mode. You can clear all Solo Safe settings by
selecting the ALL CLEAR button and pressing [ENTER].