M7CL Owner’s Manual
Dynamics Parameters
The COMP processor attenuates signals above a specified THRESHOLD by a specified RATIO. The COMP processor can also
be used as a limiter, which, with a RATIO of ∞:1, reduces the level to the threshold. This means that the limiter’s output level
never actually exceeds the threshold.
An expander attenuates signals below a specified THRESHOLD by a specified RATIO.
Parameter Range Description
THRESHOLD (dB) –54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level of input signal required to trigger the compressor.
1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1,
2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1,
8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1, ∞:1 (16 points)
This determines the amount of compression, that is, the change in output signal
level relative to change in input signal level.
ATTACK (ms) 0–120 (121 points)
This determines how soon the signal will be compressed once the compressor has
been triggered.
44.1kHz: 6 ms – 46.0 sec
48kHz: 5 ms – 42.3 sec (160 points)
This determines how soon the compressor returns to its normal gain once the trigger
signal level drops below the threshold. The value is expressed as the duration
required for the level to change by 6 dB.
OUT GAIN (dB) 0.0 to +18.0 (181 points) This sets the compressor’s output signal level.
KNEE Hard, 1–5 (6 points)
This determines how compression is applied at the threshold. For higher knee set-
tings, compression is applied gradually as the signal exceeds the specified threshold,
creating a more natural sound.
Input Level Time Time
Output Level
Input Level
Output Level
• Time Series Analysis (RATIO= ∞:1)
Input signal Output Signal
• I/O Characteristics
(KNEE= hard, OUT GAIN=0.0dB)
Parameter Range Description
THRESHOLD (dB) –54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level of input signal required to trigger the expander.
1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1,
2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1,
8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1, ∞:1 (16 points)
This determines the amount of expansion.
ATTACK (ms) 0–120 (121 points)
This determines how soon the expander returns to its normal gain once the trigger
signal level exceeds the threshold.
44.1kHz: 6 ms – 46.0 sec
48kHz: 5 ms – 42.3 sec (160 points)
This determines how soon the signal is expanded once the signal level drops below
the threshold. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change
by 6 dB.
OUT GAIN (dB) 0.0 to +18.0 (181 points) This sets the expander’s output signal level.
KNEE Hard, 1–5 (6 points)
This determines how expansion is applied at the threshold. For higher knee settings,
expansion is applied gradually as the signal falls below the specified threshold, creat-
ing a more natural sound.
Input Level Time Time
Output Level
Input Level
Output Level
• I/O Characteristics
(KNEE= hard, OUT GAIN= 0.0dB)
• Time Series Analysis (RATIO= ∞:1)
Input Signal Output Signal