The Status word gives more information when the acknowledge is non- zero. A
certain bit in the word can be found by performing a logical AND of the status word
with the mask defined below.
(Logical AND: the words are compared bitwise and only when both bits are 1, the
result bit is 1)
Status = 38 and must be checked for ’data out of range’ (4)
38 = 0000 0000 0010 0110
4 = 0000 0000 0000 0100
logical AND 0000 0000 0000 0100
First status word: CPL status
Second status word: Auto calibration status
Third status word: Acquisition status
Bit Mask Value Meaning
Position hex dec
0 &H0001 1 Unknown header
1 &H0002 2 Data format of body is wrong
2 &H0004 4 Data out of range
3 &H0008 8 Invalid instruction
4 &H0010 16 -- reserved, normally zero
5 &H0020 32 Invalid number of parameters
6 &H0040 64 Wrong number of databits
7 &H0080 128 Flash ROM not present
8 &H0100 256 Invalid Flash software
9 &H0200 512 Conflicting oscilloscope settings
10 &H0400 1024 User request, front panel key pressed
11 &H0800 2048 Flash write error
12 &H1000 4096 -- reserved, normally zero
13 &H2000 8192 Invalid password entered
14 &H4000 16384 -- reserved, normally zero
15 &H8000 32768 Next status available