ip-prefix ip-prefix-name: References an IP prefix list to filter received routes. The
ip-prefix-name is a string of 1 to 19 characters.
gateway ip-prefix-name: References an IP prefix list to filter routes from the
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface.
Description Use the
filter-policy import command to configure the filtering of incoming
Use the
undo filter-policy import command to remove the filtering.
By default, RIP does not filter incoming routes.
Related commands: acl and ip ip-prefix.
Examples # Reference ACL 2000 to filter received routes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rip 1
[Sysname-rip-1] filter-policy 2000 import
# Reference IP prefix list abc on Ethernet1/1 to filter all received RIP routes.
[Sysname-rip-1] filter-policy ip-prefix abc import ethernet 1/1
Syntax host-route
undo host-route
View RIP view
Parameters None
Description Use the
host-route command to enable host route reception.
Use the
undo host-route command to disable host route reception.
By default, receiving host routes is enabled.
In some cases, a router may receive many host routes from the same network
segment. These routes are not helpful for routing and occupy a large amount of
network resources. You can use the undo host-route command to disable
receiving of host routes.
RIPv2 can be disabled from receiving host routes, but RIPv1 cannot.