undo voice vlan enable
View System view
Parameter vlan-id: ID of the VLAN to be enabled with the voice VLAN feature, in the range of
2 to 4,094.
Description Use the
voice vlan command to enable the voice VLAN feature globally.
Use the
undo voice vlan enable command to disable the voice VLAN feature
■ At one particular moment, only one VLAN of a certain device can have the
voice VLAN feature enabled.
■ Ensure that a VLAN exists before enabling its voice VLAN feature and that it is
not VLAN 1. Otherwise, the configurations will fail.
■ If a VLAN to be deleted has the voice VLAN feature enabled, you need to
disable the voice VLAN feature first before deleting the VLAN.
Related command: display voice vlan state.
Example # Enable the voice VLAN feature on VLAN 2(assuming that VLAN 2 already exists).
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice vlan 2 enable
voice vlan aging
Syntax voice vlan aging minutes
undo voice vlan aging
View System view
Parameter minutes: Aging time of a voice VLAN, in the range 5 to 43,200 minutes. This value
is 1,440 by default.
Description Use the
voice vlan aging command to configure the aging time of a voice
Use the
undo voice vlan aging command to restore the aging time of a voice
Under automatic mode, the system will decide whether to add a port to a voice
VLAN based on the source MAC address contained in its inbound voice packets.
After adding a port to the voice VLAN, the system will start the aging timer at the
same time. If within the aging time, no voice packets is received from the port, it
will be removed from the voice VLAN when the aging time expires.