Description Use the udp-helper port command to enable the forwarding of packets with
the specified UDP port number.
Use the
undo udp-helper port command to remove the configured UDP port
By default, the UDP Helper enabled device forwards broadcast packets with any of
the six destination port numbers 69, 53, 37, 137, 138 and 49. The configured UDP
port numbers (including the default UDP port numbers) will all be removed if UDP
Helper is disabled.
Example # Forward broadcast packets with the UDP destination port number 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] udp-helper port 100
udp-helper server
Syntax udp-helper server ip-address
undo udp-helper server [ ip-address ]
View Interface view
Parameter ip-address: IP address of the destination server, in dotted decimal notation.
Description Use the
udp-helper server command to specify the destination server which
UDP packets to be forwarded to.
Use the
undo udp-helper server command to remove the destination server.
No destination server is configured by default.
Currently, you can configure up to 20 destination servers on an interface.
Note that you will remove all the destination servers under the interface if you
carry out the undo udp-helper server command without the ip-address
Related command: display udp-helper server.
Example # Specify the IP address of the destination server as on Ethernet1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] udp-helper server