Related command: service vbr-nrt, service vbr-rt, service ubr.
Example # Create a PVC named “aa”, with the VPI/VCI value of 1/101.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] pvc aa 1/101
# Specify the service type of the PVC as cbr and the peak rate of ATM cell as
50,000 kbps, and the cell delay variation tolerance as 1000 μs.
[Sysname-atm-pvc-Atm1/0-1/101-aa] service cbr 50000 cdvt 1000
service ubr
Syntax service ubr output-pcr
View PVC view/ATM Class view
Parameter output-pcr: Output peak rate of ATM cell in kbps. For the value ranges of this
parameter, see Table 30.
Description Use the
service ubr command to specify the service type of PVC as unspecified
bit rate (UBR) and specify the related rate parameters.
By default, the service type is UBR after creating a PVC.
You can use this command as well as the service vbr-nrt, service vbr-rt and
service cbr commands to set the service type and the rate-related parameters of a
PVC. A newly configured PVC service type overwrites the existing one.
Related command: service vbr-nrt, service vbr-rt, and service cbr.
Example # Create a PVC named “a” with the VPI/VCI value of 1/101.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] service pvc aa 1/101
# Specify the service type of the PVC as ubr and the peak cell rate of ATM cell as
100,000 kbps.
[Sysname-atm-pvc-Atm1/0-1/101-aa] service ubr 100000
service vbr-nrt
Syntax service vbr-nrt output-pcr output-scr output-mbs
View PVC view/ATM Class view